UREXTM may support vaginal health
In several studies, daily intake of the UREXTM probiotic blend has been associated with improvement of the vaginal microbiota. In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial, women with bacterial vaginosis were randomized to receive placebo or 2 billion CFU/day of UREXTM. After 6 weeks, significantly more women in the UREXTM group demonstrated a restored, balanced vaginal microbiota than women in the placebo group.11
A study of post-menopausal women with an ‘intermediate vaginal microbiota’ (Nugent classification) randomized the women to receive a placebo or 1 billion CFU/day of the UREXTM probiotic blend. After 4 weeks, the women who received the UREXTM blend had an improved vaginal microbiota that was within the normal, healthy Nugent range, whereas the women in the placebo group did not have significantly improved vaginal microbiota.1
In two randomized, placebo-controlled double-blinded clinical trials, combining UREXTM at 2 billion CFU/day with antibiotic treatment was associated with greater improvement in bacterial vaginosis and normalization of Nugent score than for antibiotics combined with placebo.3, 12 Read more about probiotics and antibiotics.
The effect of UREXTM supplementation in combination with an antifungal agent to alleviate vulvovaginal candidiasis has been investigated in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. In the study, women received either an antifungal agent plus UREXTM or the same antifungal agent plus placebo. After four weeks, it was observed that the women who took UREXTM had significantly less vaginal discharge and lower presence of yeast than the women given placebo.4 This suggests UREXTM may have a beneficial adjunctive effect on candidiasis.